About Us

About us

Oriental Treasures is a US-based firm, specializing in artefacts preservation, collection, display, appraisal and trading. It currently owns and operates two museums in China through its subsidiaries: Yufugong Museum in Tianjin and Henqin Museum in Zhuhai. A third museum is being planned to be open in Yunnan, China. The discussion of Dubei museum is also underway.

Oriental Treasures has a massive collection of cultural relics, artifacts, jade sculptures, paintings, frescos and manuscripts. Many collectibles from various dynasties throughout 5000 years of Chinese history were rarely seen by artefact experts or collectors before until now, which hold significant historical, cultural and archeological values, rivaling those found in reputable museums worldwide. 

The exhibits in the two museums are just a small portion of the massive collection we have. Many more treasures are still well preserved and will be unlocked gradually. Oriental Treasures looks forward to working with major museums in the US and bring some of those Chinese treasures for display. We would also like to partner with appraisal, auction agencies and collectors for limited sales of our collection.

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